Mr C D, Capel Show visitor (Horti & Cars on Saturday)
What the show does well:: exhibits classic cars and bikes promotes community cohesion Any other feedback:
The Friendliest Show in the South-East
The Friendliest Show in the South-East
What the show does well:: exhibits classic cars and bikes promotes community cohesion Any other feedback:
What the show does well:: well organised, stalls nicely set out, cheap admission price Any other feedback: Need…
What the show does well:: Be an all-round friendly family show. Any other feedback: The flower arranging class…
What the show does well:: getting vehicles in & out in a slick manor. Any other feedback: Donate…
What the show does well:: Brings lots of like minded car owners together and offer a great day…
What the show does well:: Exihibit a large variety of classic cars Any other feedback: