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Mrs I C, Volunteer and resident

What the show does well:: Combines traditional village horticultural competition and classic cars, so something for everyone! Any other feedback: Significant increase in Horti membership (from 50p to £5) may have put off some who just like to support the…

Mr M B, Capel CC Helper

What the show does well:: Maximises the space on the rec. Using every available inch Any other feedback: Be good to show the whole village what money comes in and where is all goes with an article in the Parish…

Mr J F, Car or Bike exhibitor

What the show does well:: A very nice varied selection of exibits and a lot of things going on Any other feedback: We would like to enter the photographic competition but it seems that it is not open to everybody

Mr Z H, Car or Bike exhibitor

What the show does well:: Well organized entry and exit, nice relaxed atmosphere Any other feedback: Left turn only on exit left me lost and looking for way back to A24. Better signposts would help.

Mr K F, Car or Bike exhibitor

What the show does well:: Brings lots of like minded car owners together and offer a great day out to the public Any other feedback: Just keep doing it , the only thing was not enough autojumble

Mrs P B, Car or Bike exhibitor

What the show does well:: I really liked the fact that the food was being served by the girl guides, rather than the expensive vans you find usually at these events. Affordable and smiley service ?? The layout was great…