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Photograph competition opens on Aug 15

In lieu of our cancelled show we are organising a photograph competition. There are two classes: 1) “You and your motorbike” and 2) “You and your car”. The winner is decided by public poll which will open on Saturday Aug…

Registration for the 2018 Show now closed

13/08/18: Registration for the show closed at midnight on Aug 12th. We have approximately 630 exhibit entries. This takes the show to near capacity. It’s a record. If you turn up on the day without having registered your classic, there’s…

Auto Jumblers attention

This year, for the first time ever, we have enabled our website to register auto jumble stall holders on line. Registration is open now, so do feel free to sign up an ensure your place. Secondly, if you so choose,…

Brand New Website launched

The Capel Classic Car & Bike Show are proud to present our new website, virtually built from the ground up new. More modern features and technology. Better view-ability on mobile devices and smart phones by using responsive design methods. We…